Keith Pierro Clinches $11M Settlement in Truck Accident Death

By Keith A. Pierro January 10, 2023Wrongful Death

We are so proud of Gold & Gold, P.A. partner, Keith Pierro, for this amazing result.  Mr. Pierro brought swift justice to our clients, the parents of a 7 year old boy who was hit and killed by a truck driver while jogging with his dad.  Mom and dad have suffered tremendously, and will continue to for the rest of their lives.  They wanted justice; they deserved justice; and they did not want to suffer through years of litigation.  Enter Keith Pierro and our coverage counsel Steve Marino of Ver Ploeg & Marino.  Together, they identified the available insurance policies that provided coverage for this tragic motor vehicle accident.  Mr. Pierro handled the application of the Graves Amendment which was being used by the corporate owner of the truck and its insurance carriers in an attempt to shield themselves from the responsibility of having to pay and compensate our clients. Ultimately, we were able to persuade the two applicable insurance carriers to tender their policy limits.  One carrier tendered its $1 Million policy limit, the other insurance carrier tendered its $10 Million policy limit.  It only took a little over six months to fully resolve, which is exactly what our clients asked us for:  Swift Justice.

Read the full article from DBR, Daily Business Review.